Speaker Bios

Doctor James Renihan

After a ministry of church planting in central Massachusetts, Dr. James Renihan and his family moved to Escondido, CA in 1998 to begin serving as Dean of the newly formed Institute of Reformed Baptist Studies. He led that work for 20 years, and when it became IRBS Theological Seminary in 2018 was appointed the first president. He has served as a pastor of churches in Massachusetts, New York and California. He is a graduate of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (PhD), Seminary of the East (MDiv), Trinity Ministerial Academy, and Liberty Baptist College (BS). His academic work has focused on the Second London Baptist Confession and the broader Puritan theological context from which it arose.

Doctor Samuel Renihan

Samuel Renihan is pastor of Trinity Reformed Baptist Church in La Mirada, California where he lives with his wife, Kim, and their son, Owen. He graduated MDiv from Westminster Seminary California and PhD from the Free University of Amsterdam. Sam is the author of various articles and books in English and Spanish, such as The Mystery of Christ, his Covenant, and his Kingdom (2019), Deity and Decree (2020), and Crux, Mors, Inferi: A Primer and Reader on the Descent of Christ (2021).

Pastor Jason Walter

Jason pastors Christ Reformed Baptist Church in Vista, California. He studied Biblical languages in college and received his M.Div. from Westminster Seminary California and the Certificate of Reformed Baptist Studies from IRBS. He serves on the board of trustees of IRBS and especially enjoys preaching from Old Testament historical narratives, as well as hiking and bird watching with his wife and three children.

Doctor Daniel Scheiderer

Daniel Scheiderer has been in Reformed Baptist ministry since 2016 and currently serves among the pastors at Grace Baptist Church in Chambersburg, PA. He received his B.A. from Boyce College and his M.Div., ThM (Historical Theology), and PhD (Systematic Theology) from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has written Still Confessing, various journal articles, and is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society.

Pastor Joseph Anady

Joe Anady has served as pastor of Emmaus Reformed Baptist Church in Hemet, Califonria since 2011. He earned his BA from California Baptist University in 2003 and his M.Div. from Moody Theological Seminary in 2015. He is married to Lindsay and has four children, ages 21 to 16. He was first exposed to the Second London Confession of Faith in 2011, soon after adopted the confession personally, and along with his co-elders, began the process of leading the newly planted church to fully subscribe to the confession. IRBS, The Southern California Association Of Reformed Baptist Churches, and the Southern California Reformed Baptist Pastors’ Conference were instrumental in this process. In addition to his pastoral responsibilities, he enjoys hosting Theology In Particular, a weekly podcast of International Reformed Baptist Seminary.